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Demonic plots and characters in the artistic world of M. Gorki

N.N. Primochkina


Primochkina Natalia N.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher,

M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



In the article an evolution and semantics of demoniacs’ plots and characters are examined in work of Gorki, since early Christmas works and socio-political pamphlets to the stories and dramaturgic intentions, their special philosophical sense comes to light, their connection is established with world and Russian literary tradition, the authentic innovation of Gorki-artist is simultaneously shown in mastering of this theme. The analysis of works and creative intentions of Gorki about a line allows to come to the conclusion, that a writer called to this religious and fairy-tale personage, in a bright artistic form to express the philosophical idea about universal imperfection of life and inhabiting Earth people, thus devil as personification of world evil frequently plays them the role of that litmus scrap of paper, human sins and vices come to light by means of that.

Keywords: М. Gorki, creative evolution, demoniacs plots and characters, philosophical sense.



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