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Rumi and Tolstoy: specificity of continuous relations

Sadeghi Sahlabad Zeinab, M. Mobasheri


Sadeghi Sahlabad Zeinab,

Ph.D. in Russian language and literature, Assistant

professor of the Russian language department of Alzahra

University, Tehran, Iran


Mobasheri Mahboubeh,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Persian Language and

Literature Department, Alzahra University, Тehran, Iran



The article is devoted to the study of the semantic origins of the story “Surat Coffee House” by Leo Tolstoy. It is concluded that the parables of J. Rumi “The Tale of Grapes” and “The Controversy about the Elephant” can be considered the eastern sources of the story of L. Tolstoy, while the novel by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre “Paul and Virginia” is the western pretext of the story. Comparison of the above texts reveals the ideas embodied in them of humanism, tolerance, love and friendship as the principle of relations between people.

Keywords: L.N. Tolstoy, J. Rumi, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, “Surat Coffee House”, “The Story of Grapes”, “The Controversy about the Elephant”, “Paul and Virginia”.



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