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The revolution of sex in the life and creative consciousness of D.S. Merezhkovsky and Z.N. Hippius (article two)

V.A. Sarychev


Sarychev Vladimir A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language and

Literature Department,

Semenov-Tyan-Shansky Lipetsk State Pedagogical University



The article represents another stage of study of social-religious D.S. Merezhkovsky and Z.N. Hippius’s experiment which was aimed at transformation of spiritual-bodily nature of a human-being. The author analyzed philosophical-publiсistic sources thoroughly as well as letters and memoirs and it enabled the author to show that the idea of religious “gender transformation”, used as a basis by Z. Hippius in her relationship with D.V. Philosophov, revealed its inverted-erotic nature, served a reason for gradual destruction of the utopian “The Main”.

Keywords: creativity of life, sacred flesh, the community of the transformed gender, new Christian love, Z. Hippius, D.V. Philosophov.



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4. Pakhmuss T.A. Stranitsy iz proshlogo. Perepiska Z.N. Gippius, D.V. Filosofova i blizkikh k nim v “Glavnom” // Pamiatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia: Pis'mennost'. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia: ezhegodnik 1997. Moscow, 1998.