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Discourse competence and meta-plot of crime / murder in “Little tragedies” by A.S. Pushkin

K.B. Urazayeva, Zharkynbekova Sholpan K.


Zharkynbekova Sholpan K.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of theTheoretical and

Applied Linguistics Department,

Gumilyov Eurasian National University

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Urazayeva Kuralai B.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Philology Department,

Gumilyov Eurasian National University



Topicality of the problem is specific to the study of the dual eventivity structure, in case of dichotomy with the notions of event / non-event. It happens when non-incident, but possible event gives the basis of the plot of a non-event notion, transforming the main feature of the work which contains the motive of crime / murder.

Pushkin’s psychological skills and literary discoveries of drama genre did not become a subject of study in the aspect of discourse competence of episodic and for-mentioned characters in A. Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies”. The desire to justify this approach allowed identification of the relationship between motivation and authentic event transmitting the meta-plot of crime / murder to the status of non-event. The motive of “wrong reading” as a boundary between event and non-event notions and narrative and discursive competencies of the characters as part of their communication strategies are analyzed, the factors of transformation of crime / murder plot into non-event are indicated. The article describes the paradigmatic and syntagmatic stages of the narrative discourse descriptive model. Aim of the following study is to create a theoretical model of the notion of event on the basis of a descriptive model that makes the meta-plot of crime / murder the object of the description in the aspect of dichotomy with the notions of event / non-event and explain the prevalence of discursive competence over narrative one on the material of A. Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies”. The authors of the following study applied structural-semantic, functional and pragmatic approaches. In response to the obtained results it is possible to complete and clarify the idea of literary strategies of drama genre developed by A. Pushkin.

Keywords: Pushkin, “Little Tragedies”, narrative competence, discourse competence, meta-plot, crime, murder, non-event.



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