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Trails as a means of expressing the axiological modality (based on the journalism of F.M. Dostoevsky)

O.V. Rybalchenko


Rybalchenko Olga V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language and

Speech Communication Department,

Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University



The article studies tropes as a means of expressing axiological modality on the material of Dostoevsky's publicism, on the basis of which an attempt is made to describe the axiosphere of Dostoevsky. The study analyzes the journalistic writings of Dostoevsky, called the most significant axiomate, updated through the trails. It is noted that the contextual background of Dostoevsky's publicistic texts is irony, and the author's tropes serve as a means of expressing his desire for the ideal. The article describes the most significant for axiosphere of Dostoevsky's concepts of: “true”, “um”, “honor”, “duty”, “dignity”, “Motherland”, “Russian”, “Russia”, the reasons of the popularity of Dostoevsky idioms, oxymorons, antonomasia, hyperbole and letot, it is noted that one and the same author's evaluation is transferred to the statement with a few tropes that allows us to speak about convergence modality. In conclusion, it is concluded that the study of Dostoevsky's publicistic tropes as a means of expressing axiological modality requires further study; for a more complete description of the axiosphere, Dostoevsky's perspective is the consideration of the position of the tropes of the writer's works of art from the perspective of linguoaxiology and the subsequent comparative analysis.

Keywords: mass media, journalism, axiological modality, axioconcept, trails, Dostoevsky's axiosphere.



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