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Translation of sentences with predicatives into English (on the example of the translation of “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin made by Mary Hobson)

L.Ja. Ziman


Ziman Leonid J.,

Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Early Learning of

Foreign Languages Department,

Moscow City Pedagogical University



This paper deals with English translations of the sentences with predicatives from A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Evgenii Onegin”, made by Mary Hobson, and it analyzes them. The predicatives are the words of the category of state, which mean the state of nature, feelings or inner state of men, relation of the statement to reality (modality), and the word not as well. They are the predicates of impersonal sentences. We count 66 sentences with predicatives in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Evgenii Onegin”. There is no grammatical form like this in English, and it is difficult to translate the sentences with predicatives into English. Mary Hobson has overcome the difficulties.

Keywords: predicative, category of state, translation, impersonal sentences, A.S. Pushkin, Mary Hobson.




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