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Index of articles for 2018


General & Applied Linguistics

Avdevnina O.Ju. The mistake of aesthetics and poetics of “patties” in the light of orthological installations of modern age 6, 17

Blinov A.A. Euphemisms in Arabic Language and their representation in the Arabic linguistic tradition  3, 29

Bolotov V.I. Actualization of ideas of L.V. Shcherba (author's comments) 2, 3

Chernousova I.P. Emergence of National Folklore linguoconceptology 3, 10

Daszkiewicz M. Language conventions — paradoxically — as grounds for EFL students’ (oracy-oriented) personal experience 5, 26

Dziuba A.V., Urbina Fonturbel R. The concepts of “каламбур” and “calambur” in Russian and Spanish linguistics: a comparative research 4, 31

Fedotova T.V. The versatility of zoonyms in the aspect of the reflection of world-view 3, 23

Gasselblat O.A. Including of acathistus’s attributes in J. Brodsky’s poem “The Portrait of Tragedy” as an example of architextual device 6, 11

Genish E. Syntactical compatibility of verbs in Turkish language 1, 27

Geymbukh E.Yu. “Own” it as “someone else's” in the novel of V. Kaverin “Two captains” 4, 17

Golovko N.V. Methodology of data collection and processing for the creation of associative and metaphoric dictionary of the Russian language designed for automated text processing systems (AMD-ATPS) 5, 35

Khachatryan L.M. Principles of a morphological homonymy in Indo-European languages (on a material Old-Armenian language) 5, 9

Kiklewicz A.К. Discourse & Stylistics 4, 3

Kononenko I.V. The typology of semantic-syntactical relations of components of a complicated sentence 4, 23

Kushnina L.V. On the translation dichotomies in the synergetics paradigm 5, 17

Maslova V.A. Polydisciplinarity and integrativity as the main features of the linguistics of the future 5, 3

Misieva L.A. The concept of poverty in the Avar paroemiological units (linguistic and linguocultural characteristics) 3, 17

Mutalov R.O., Mutalov M.R. Towards the development of the information retrieval system “Electronic dictionary of the Dargwa language” 1, 14

Pisar N.V. Archetypical opposition “own – alien” as a mechanism of formation of the dichothomy “God – Devil” (on the material of the Ostromir Gospel of 1056–1057) 3, 3

Nikolenkova N.V. The use of capital letter and formation of Church Slavonic spelling rules in the XVIIth century 6, 3

Sinyachkin V.P., Shafaghi M., Tamimdari A. Linguocultureme “bread” and phraseological expressions with component “bread” in Russian and Persian languages 2, 12

Tishchenko O.V. Comparative Turns in the Works of V.A. Peczukh 2, 20

Tsvetova N.S. New Russian speech (to the question of change of communicative culture principles) 4, 11

Vikulova L.G., Serebrennikova E.F., Vostrikova, S.A., Gerasimova O.V.

Linguistic axiological analysis of tokens ‘valeur / value’: a comparative approach 1, 3

Xin N. 文化翻译 = Cultural translation ≠ перевод культуры: Relationship between culture and translation 1, 19


Modern Philology

Boronin A.A., Motina N.A. Linguistic Limology 6, 29

Bouchev A.B. Political communication: The formation of an interdisciplinary research paradigm in Russia 1, 33

Chudinov A.P., Nikiforova M.V. Linguopolitical Personology as a Scientific Trend 1, 45

Golev N.D. The study of ordinary metalinguistic conciousness in modern Russian linguistics 2, 27


Language. Culture. Society

Borgoiakova T.G. Native languages of the USA: terminological and legislative aspects 6, 36

Dzhioeva A.A., Sosedova V.S. World conceptualization in English lexicon: Ethnocentric component 4, 39

Ibragimova B.A. Evaluative connotations of social and political vocabulary (based on the materials of American and Russian press media on the USA elections) 4, 45

Ivanova L.P. Russian Language and Main Tendencies of it’s Development in Russian Literature Classics’ Vision of 18–19th centuries 2, 45

Karkaeva M.A. A socio-cultural phenomenon of youth slang in the cyberspace 3, 45

Naumov V.V. “National lingvomentality in anecdotes” (diachronical aspect) 3, 39

Slesarev A.G . European Ideologie and the Problem of the loss of national identity in contemporary German-language literature 1, 53

Vedenina L.G. Russian Culture and Russian Language in the Eurasian Context 2, 33

Wąsiewska А. A collection of works about marriages printed in Johannisburg (Pisz) an analysis of sources 5, 41


Literature Studies

Averin B.V. Nabokov’s Mnemosyne and the issue of expanding the boundaries of a personality 5,  78

Belyaeva I.A. The second part of Goethe’s “Faust” in Turgenev’s creative reception: theme of Elena 5, 59

Bogdanova O.V. The morphology of the Gorky tale (Nietzschean motives, “Old woman Izergil”) 3, 57

Burtseva M.A., Burtsev A.A. The composition as the basis of the organization of the subject matter in K. Grahame’s “The Reluctant Dragon” 3, 96

Cao X. Chinese mask of the Russian revolution in the literature of the 1920s (I. Babel “Chinese guy” and M. Bulgakov “Chinese History”) 5, 85

Chun J. The concept of “body” in Mayakovsky`s “A Сloud in Trousers” 3, 67

Dimitriev V.M. “... In the union of love, inspiration and memory”: To the question of the artistic technique of Jurij Fel’zen 1, 76

Gong Q. Method of montage as a structure-forming element in the story of V.S. Makanin “Voices” 4, 68

Kalantarjan E.A. Specific features of modern Armenian prose 3, 87

Kiseliov A.A. The metric structure of Qur’an’s poetic translation by Shumovsky 3, 104

Korshunova E.A. The archetype of the “City of Kitezh” in the novel-chronicle S.N. Durylin “Bells” 4, 59

Lipovetsky M.N. Dmitri Prigov’s dramaturgy 6, 57

Malygina N.M., Moskovskaya D.S. Dialogue with Gorkiy in the novel by A.P. Platonov “High voltage” (“Declaration of death”) 6, 43

Morozov S.V. Principles of Research Postsymbolist Novel 1, 89

Muratova E.Y. Flying world pictures Marc Chagall: overcoming space and time (Based on a book of poems D. Simanovich “Vitebsk. Chagall. Love”) 2, 69

Nazarov I.A. Motive of the simulation and the verification of madness in S.O. Broyde’s novel “In the madhouse” 3, 72

Nichiporov I.B. V. Vysotsky as the character of the novel by V. Aksyonov “Mysterious passion” 6, 52

Nikoletic S. Chekhov’s plays in Croatian Theatres 1897—1923 5, 71

Novikova E.V. The vision of the future of the modern Russian prose 4, 51

Onon C. Russian literature in the reception of Mongolian criticism 5, 92

Pastushkova N.A. Dido’s story in the “Estoria de Espanna” by Alfonso el Sabio 5, 50

Perhin V.V. D.S. Mirsky about the Comic in Russian Literature 3, 50

Petrov A.V. Precedent Names and Texts of Russian Literature in the Works of Olga Fokina 2, 60

Primochkina N.N. Two “Vines” of Ivan Shmelev (metamorphoses of vivid symbolics in work of writer to and after revolution 1917 year) 1, 84

Smykovskaya T.Ye. “A Word from Heaven in Hell′s Three Dimensions”: The Specifics of the Artistic Topos in the Camp Poems of Anastasia Tsvetaeva 1, 97

Spivakovsky P.E. Outsided Conservators: Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Tatyana Tolstaya 3, 80

Spivakovsky P.E. A Month in Dachau: Descent into Paradise. Vladimir Sorokin as a Metarelativist 6, 66

Trakhtenberg L.A. Magazine “Smes’” and novel “El Criticon” by Baltasar Gracian 2, 51

Vasilyev D.V. Features of functioning of an archetype of a trikster in F.M. Dostoyevsky's story “Double” 1,67

Zhuchkova A.V. Fairytale Fiction or Fantasy redux 1, 60


Modern popular literature of contemporary Russia

Abashev V.V., Abasheva M.P. Literature in the Age of Media Convergence  2, 103

Chernyak M.A. The Revolution of 1917th in the Mirror of Modern Mass Literature 2, 85

Possamai D. Morphology of modern Russian Novel: what has changed? 2, 76

Savkina I. Pushkin as a meme: (the image of the poet in television series and movies of 2016/2017th) 2, 94


Scientific Events

Chernyak M.A. “Culture goods: modern popular literature of contemporary Russia between letters and digits”  1, 105

130th Anniversary of the Birth of T.S. Eliot

Probstein Ian. Dialogi sm and Human Comedy of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land 5, 99

100th Anniversary of the Birth of A.I. Solzhenitsyn

Golubkov M.M. Provocation and provocateurs: one of aspects of the Russian revolution in M. Gorky’s and A. Solzhenitsyn’s image 6, 91

R. Tempest. Collages and Fluctuations: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Modernist (Dis)Engagements 6, 100


Bibliography & Literature Review

Bahtikireeva U.M., Dzhusupov M., Saparova K.O. Contacting of languages and cultures: improvement and disappearance. Article-review about the collective monograph “Linguistic world image of Teleuts” 1, 112

Balikova M.S., Mikhailova M.V. Review of the 14th volume collected works of D.S. Merezhkovsky in 20 volumes 2, 116

Ivanova-Lukyanova G.N. Rhythm of Prose: Syllable, Syntagma, Intonema

Khayrullin V.I. Encyclopedia of linguo-ethno-culturology. Book review on Vedenina L.G. Person in the linguo-ethno-cultural space 2, 113

Kazharova I.A. Review of the monograph by L.F. Haraeva, Z.A. Kuchukova “Gender and its ethnic dimension (on material of the Kabardian female prose)” 6, 111

Machoninova A. Review on the German edition of selected works of V. Nekrasov, Münster, 2017

Mikhailova M.V. Review of the Literary and Art edition of M.B. Shaposhnikova “P.S. Solovyova, V.Y. Bryusov, M.A. Voloshin, A.A. Blok, A. Bely. Nomads of Beauty” 5, 116

Perlina N. A featured review of the new Academy edition of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Complete Works, vol. 5. 3, 110

Shlyakhov V.I. Educational associative dictionary of Russian language 3, 116



Textual Studies & Literary Processing

Inshakova N.G. Business literature: meaning of the term, typological and style characteristics 4, 76

Loskutnikova M.B. “Notes about angling of fishes” of S.T. Aksakov in the context of writer’s creativity 4, 84


Philological Archive


Letter from S.J. Karcevski to D.N.Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky 4, 108

Unpublished Essays by D.A. Prigov

Foreword by M. Lipovetsky to the publication 4, 92

Prigov D.A. Four Essays (“The leg”, “We are given spiritual eyes-wings and clairvoyant heart motor”, “All, that happened to institute”, “Cult-multi-globalism”) 4, 97


Philologists: Heritage & Modernity

Nikitin O.V. “He was primarily a learned artist, a high Minister…” (The 200th anniversary of the birth of F.I. Buslaev) 6, 83