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The use of capital letter and formation of Church Slavonic spelling rules in the XVIIth century

N.V. Nikolenkova


Nikolenkova Natalia V.,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Russian language

Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Philology



The article presented above is focused on the grammar compositions: Church Slavonic grammar of 1619 Edition by Smotrytsky and its Moscow Edition of 1648, and also created with a focus on European geographical compositions, most notably the Atlas Blaeu, which was translated in the 50-is of 17th century by the scribes in Moscow, under the leadership of Epiphanius Slavinetsky. These compositions are looked over as the initial stage of consumption in the Russian literary language capital latters. Study, formulated the rule, traditionally regarded as the starting point of this usage does not have influence on the spelling of Church Slavonic texts, codifying the remaining on the periphery of the writing system until the emergence of a new genre of texts. These texts represent an early stage in the formation of scientific discourse, forming a new, “scientist” (V.M. Zhivov) registers books, written language, fix “natural” alignment use of capital letter. Comparing the text for the first edition of Smotrytsky grammar and translation of the Atlas Blaeu, we identified the first zone extension of the use of capital letters in Russian script prior to the formation of a new type of Russian literary language. In the article presented above it is proved that the beginning use in Russian scripts capital letter is another episode of the Southwest Russian impact of the middle of the 17th century.

Keywords: Church Slavonic language, spelling rules, the influence of the grammar, capital letters.




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