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Chekhov’s plays in Croatian Theatres 1897—1923

S. Nikoletic


Nikoletić Sandra,

Third year PhD Student.,

Faculty of Philology, Department of History of Modern Russian Literature and Contemporary Literary Process

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article is devoted to the history of the theatrical reception of A.P. Chekhov’s plays in Croatia — from the premiere of the vaudeville “The Bear”, which took place in 1897, to the first production of “The Seagull” in 1923. During this period the main capital’s theatre as well as provincial theaters gave repeated performances of “The Bear”. Premiers of Chekhov's other two vaudevilles — “The Proposal” and “Swan Song” were also held. Audiences had the chance to see the plays “Uncle Vanya” and “The Cherry Orchard” from 1902 to 1923 not only in the Croatian language, performed by actors of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, but also in Russian during the tour of the Kachalov Group in 1920–1921 and the tour of The Moscow Art Theater troupe in 1922. During these theatrical tours the public also saw the play “Three Sisters” for the first time.

Keywords: A.P. Chekhov, dramaturgy, theatrical productions, critical reception, Croatian theater, premieres, Russian theatrical tours.




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