Loskutnikova Maria B.,
Ph.D. (Philology), Associate professor of the Department of Russian literature
Moscow City University
Analyzed is the stages of a creative way of S.T. Aksakov and his interest to nature, studied is formatting of his naturalistic worldview. The peculiarity of his literary works is connected with his personal attitude to the natural environment, and above all the passion for fishing, which is reflected in the various genres — lyrical and essay. In “the hunting saga” (“Notes about angling of fishes”, “Notes of the gun hunter of the Orenburg province”, “Stories and memoirs of the hunter on different hunting”) there is writer’s interface of practical and poetic sights at wildlife management. S.T. Aksakov’s “Notes” is the first experience of literary-art publication on nature use of Russian culture.
Keywords: S.T. Aksakov, “Notes about angling of fishes”, nature description, essay prose on regional studies.
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