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World conceptualization in English lexicon: Ethnocentric component

A.A. Dzhioeva, V.S. Sosedova


Dzhioeva Alesia A.,

Dr. Sci. in Philology, Professor

sub-faculty UNESCO at Faculty of Global processes

Lomonosov Moscow State University



Sosedova Varvara S.,

Cand. of Philological sci., Senior Lecturer,

English Department No. 1

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)



The article is devoted to the analysis of world conceptualization problem and the identification of its ethno-specific representation by means of the English language. The article meets the basic principles of modern science: fundamentalism, integrity of science and pragmatism. Problems of world conceptualization, as well as studies in the field of dichotomy “anthropocentrism – ethnocentrism” are in the spotlight of modern science and are explored from the standpoint of explantation, one of the priority functions of fundamental scientific thought. Entering into the adjacent scientific fields of research and formulating new conclusions on this basis allows us to implement the principle of integrality and reach a more complete understanding of the British world view. The article gives a detailed analysis of the linguocultural concept Stiff Upper Lip and its expression in the English lexicon. Related to it, behavioral models typical of British society are also considered. Examples from short stories by J. Archer, in which it is clearly shown how the investigated concept is verbalized, are provided as illustrative material.

Key words: fundamentalism, integral science, pragmatism, concept, world view, ethnolinguistics, linguocultural concept, lexicon, verbal expression.




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