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New Russian speech (to the question of change of communicative culture principles)

N.S. Tsvetova


Tsvetova Naliia S.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor at Department of Media-Linguistics at

Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Saint Petersburg State University



The author of article considers that change of the principles of the Russian communicative culture is connected to emergence of three problem zones: a deaesthesia of public communicative space, a change of motivation of speech behavior, a modernization of process of communicative norm formation. The author analyzes the results of long-term monitoring of the Russian speech functioning in the Russian media space, presented in numerous publications of the staff of the Department of media linguistics of St. Petersburg State University. Key idea: the dynamics of the principles of Russian communicative culture provoked the emergence of three problem areas: the obvious de-estetization of public communicative space, the modernization of the process of formation of communicative norms, the change of motivation of speech behavior. From the author's point of view, the first attempts of systematic understanding of this problem are made by the University pedagogical practice, in particular, a special didactics, which is desperately trying to overcome the "educational vandalism" in the process of training speech professionals. The final part of the article raises the question of the possible attitude of philologists-linguists to the existence of the identified problem areas. The author believes that there is no reason or right for the humble and tragic expectation of the absolute language chaos. In Russian Philology, the traditional position is considered, which was written in the 1990s by the famous philologist B. Yu. Norman, who believed that the task of professionals is to constantly remind about the existing problems, to identify the consequences of the degradation of the national language and the principles of public communication. This is one of the ways to overcome the deepening global crisis of communication, which is neutralized in the modern media space by simulating communication of various interactive actions, through the transformation of public communication into a show, the institutional characteristic of which is entertainment.

Keywords: speech communication, communicative culture, problem zone, deaesthesia, modernization, motivation.




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