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The concept of “body” in Mayakovsky`s “A Сloud in Trousers”

J. Chun


Chun Jiin,

Post-graduate student of Philological Faculty,

Department of the newest history of Russian literature  and modern literary process

Lomonosov Moscow State University



In the article, the notion of the body is viewed in the context of an anthropocentric view of Manakovsky. Analyze the concept of “human body” — “The body of heaven”, which is depicted in Poem “Clouds in Trousers”. The poetic speaker of Mayakovsky contrasts with the ordinary people, is in the form of Demiur, and his fate is to reform reality.

The state of mind and the psychological wounds are depicted through the shapes of the body that characterize definitive forms. In manifesting the extraordinary nature of the situation of love, Mayakovsky created the code of avant-garde body of avant-garde (еyes, eyelids, nerves, forehead, head). Mayakovsky paints a picture of the immense body of the universe that corresponds to the concept of the Body of the Body. The celestial bodies and heavenly bodies being reflected are the repeated shapes of the “Сloud in the Trousers”.

Man is the central phenomenon of worldview in the poetic perception of Mayakovsky and is the norm of fundamental existence.

Keywords: anthropomorphic, dichotomy, blood, flesh, heart, symbolists, body, physiological, Mayakovsky.



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