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A socio-cultural phenomenon of youth slang in the cyberspace

M.A. Karkaeva


Karkaeva Mariam A.,

Post-graduate student of the Department of German and Romance Philology

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik



This article analyzes the network of youth slang from the point of view of his belonging to a separate cultural code. In the framework of a special type of language existence is a computer — having a fundamentally new type of linguistic behavior. The aim of the article is to substantiate the occurrence of specific subtype within communicative Internet space and its description. In light of the accelerating process of computerization of all spheres of human life sublanguage of computer gaining momentum, comes to the fore in the formation of lexical neologisms, causing the need for a systematic study. The author gives analysis of the vocabulary of Internet slang of today's youth in popular social networks and online chat rooms. In addition, the article provides the analysis of some dictionary entries from the dictionary of youth slang.

Keywords: cultural code, meme, Internet meme, slang, blogosphere, gaming slang.




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