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Emergence of National Folklore linguoconceptology

I.P. Chernousova


Chernousova Irina P.,

Doctor of Philological Science, Associate Professor,

Professor in the Department of Russian language and literature

at Institute of Philology

Lipetsk State Pedagogical Р. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University



The article deals with a new branch of linguo-folklore studies – folklore linguoconceptology, which investigates folklore concepts as specific mental entities and their connections in the folklore language picture of the world. The article presents new terminology determining the scientific and methodological basis for studying the language of folklore, and puts forward a new method of exploring folklore concepts as well as their classification. Principles of folklore linguoconceptology based on the combination of stability of variability allow studying the language of folklore as a complex, stable and at the same time dynamic system.

Keywords: folklore linguoconceptology, folklore concepts and subconcepts, folklore conceptosphere, folklore language picture of the world, traditional formulas.



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