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Literature in the Age of Media Convergence

V.V. Abashev, M.P. Abasheva


Abashev Vladimir V.,

Professor of Philology, Head of Department

Perm State University, Journalism and Mass Communications Department



Abasheva Marina P.,

Professor of Philology

Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Contemporary Russian Literature Department

Perm State University, Journalism and Mass Communications Department



The article examines how the transmedial practices that nowadays determine the development and functioning of mass culture affect modern Russian literature. Mass culture proves to be a proxy for media convergence processes into other spheres, which causes paradigm shifts in the cultural system as a whole. In particular, the focus of the article is on the mechanisms by which new medial practices influence the prose of Olga Slavnikova, Alexey Ivanov, Dmitry Glukhovsky. The evolutionary transformations at the different levels of authors’ poetics are explored — from the incorporation of visual codes into their literary style to the formation of transmedial narratives, including a script, a film, a computer game, etc. The dissemination of medial strategies of mass culture results in blurring of the boundaries between  mass, elite, and avant-garde art segments. Through the interaction of various cultural codes in a modern text new art forms are created: these are universal multi-platform artistic worlds, based on the principles of encyclopaedism, multimediality, seriality and interactivity.

Keywords: mass culture, modern Russian literature, media convergence, transmedial storytelling, Olga Slavnikova, Alexey Ivanov, Dmitry Glukhovsky.




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