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The Revolution of 1917th in the Mirror of Modern Mass Literature

M.A. Chernyak


Chernyak Maria A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Russian Literature

Herzen Pedagogical University



This article is devoted to the problem of the actualizing the image of the1917 revolution in the texts of modern Russian and foreign mass literature. The concept of the past in the mass consciousness enters the problem field of cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, and sociology. Mass culture is engaged in a kind of “memory formation”, in which national histories are integrated into a “global” one, and myths, legends, fantastic assumptions become the main source of ideas about the past. The application of reflections on the 1917 revolution to the prevailing standards of mass literature leads to the simplification of the language and turns into a certain cultural myth. Within the artistic matrix of literature of the 1920s, modern mass literature not only borrows the plot lines, themes, types of heroes, but also informs it of an important mythological potential.

Keyword: modern Russian literature, mass literature, the revolution of 1917, alternative history, genre.




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