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Actualization of ideas of L.V. Shcherba (author's comments)

V.I. Bolotov


Bolotov Vladimir I.,

Dr. Sci. in Philology, professor




Analyzed the article of L.V. Shcherbs “Language system and speech activity” and author's comments are given to them. The elementary analysis of this article has shown that L.V. Shcherba is ancestor in Russia of studying speech activity (psycholinguistics).

Keywords: speech activity, individual language system, social field, discourse, text, concept, thinking, environment, negative linguistic material.




1. Shcherba, L.V. Yazykovaya sistema i rechevaya deyatel'nost'. Leningrad, 1974, pp. 24–39 (Pamyati uchitelya I.A. Boduena de Kurtene).

2. Bolotov, V.I. Emotsional'nost' teksta v aspektakh yazykovoy i neyazykovoy variativnosti. Tashkent: Fan, 1981, pp. 15–17 and others.

3. Leont'ev, A.A. Rechevaya deyatel'nost'. In: Osnovy teorii rechevoy deya-tel'nosti. Moscow, 1974, pp. 21–28.

4. Bolotov, V.I. Urovni yazyka, yazyk-rechi, rechi, rechevoy deyatel'nosti, ikh edinitsy i funktsii. In: Fonemika, semantika i rechevaya deyatel'nost'. Krasnodar, 2011, pp. 186–190.

5. Khomskiy, N. Sintaksicheskie struktury. Moscow, 1962.