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“Who will understand the song?” The image of the poet and the concept of creativity in the lyrics of A.K. Tolstoy

A.V. Fedorov


Fedorov Aleksey V.,

Cand. of Philological Sciences,

Head of Philological Center at Publishing House “Russian Word”, Moscow



The article discusses the presentation by A.K. Tolstoy on the meaning and purpose of poetry as an art form and a special method of understanding the world. Examines key poems relating to this theme (from the youthful poem “the Poet” to late ballads “Alyosha Popovich”, “Blind”), shows the dynamics of the development of Tolstoy's concepts of creativity in the software works, and statements on aesthetic issues (mostly correspondence). This concept is illuminated from different sides, discovered its complexity and depth. The image of the poet in the works of Tolstoy are presented in the context of romantic philosophy but with the originality of artistic style and Outlook of the writer.

Keywords: A.K. Tolstoy, poet, creativity, art, concept, lyrics, programmatic work, a poem.




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