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Peculiarities of translation of Uzbek national anecdotes into English

U.R. Yuldoshev


Yo'ldoshev Ulug'bek,

Scientific researcher

Uzbekistan State World Language University



Uzbek national anecdotes begun to be translated into English directly and indirectly through Russian or other languages. Translating and learning Uzbek national anecdotes abroad played great role in comprehension of national peculiarities of that genre. American researcher and translator Idries Shah translated anecdotes and published the book “The Exploits of Incomparable Mulla Nasreddin” in 1974 in London. There are also Afandi anecdotes, and nearby 50 anecdotes of them were Uzbek national anecdotes. Besides, there were many English translations of the Uzbek national anecdotes from volunteers of Peace Corpus Marilyn Peterson’s “Treasury of Uzbek Legends and Lore”. In 2007, some anecdotes were published in “Hoja Nasreddin” selection in English by publishing house “Sanat”. More than 120 Uzbek national anecdotes were translated in both selections.

Keywords: humor, text, Uzbek national anecdote, translation, comic affect, Nasreddin Afandi, dictionary, culture, stylistics, source text, target text, notes, explanation, cultural equivalent, peculiarity, translator.



  1. Shah, I. The Exploits of Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin. London, 1974.
  2. Peterson Marilyn. Treasury of Uzbek Legends and Lore. Toshkent: Qatortol-Kamolot, 2000.
  3. Khodja Nasriddin. “Санъат”, 2007.
  4. The glossary of the Uzbek language. State scientific publishing house of the National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2007.
  5. Kuronov, D., Mamajanov, Z., Sheralieva, M. Literary Dictionary. Tashkent: Academy, 2003.
  6. Macmillan For Advanced Learners. Printed and bound in Malaysia, in 2010.
  7. Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1974.
  8. Abrams, М.H. A Glossary of Literary terms. Cornell University. Printed in the USA, 1999.
  9. Afandi latifalari. URL: kutubxonasi.
  10. Galperin, I.R. Stylistics. Moscow, 1977.
  11. Abramovich, G.L. Introduction into science about literature. Moscow, 1953, p. 119.
  12. Bobokhonova, L.T. English stylistics. Tashkent, 1995.