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‘Оstrannenie’ as a conceptual operation of creative thinking and linguistic imagery invariant

M.L. Novikova


Novikova Marina L.,

Doctor of Science in Philology, full professor

Russian Language Department, Institute of Law

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



The research analyzes specific qualities of literary language as a system of tools for creative thinking, aesthetic reality assimilation and cognitive activity through the prism of ostrannenie theory by V.B. Shklovski. The object of research is to comprehend the nature of ostrannenie as a conceptual operation of creative thinking and linguistic imagery invariant. While researching the specifics of ostrannenie the author comes to the conclusion that aesthetic search and word building are important steps in poetic language creation. The specifics of ostrannenie as the key term in poetic world view are also demonstrated by the author who claims that ostrannenie is not a mere reflection of the reality, but its transformation, i.e. “ostrannenie” of this reflection.

The author concludes that recognizing the role of ostrannenie as a poetic imagery determinant opens the new way of thinking in the system of tropes and figures as the only general literary process, representation of things through the prism of “strange”, “unusual” (hence the name of ostrannenie) leads to an aesthetic experience that plays the role of a cognitive tool that allows to perceive the reality.

Keywords: aesthetic way of thinking, cognitive science, poetic language, literary image, ostrannenie, text, invariant.



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