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Grammatical processes in the development of a speech standard (On a material of Russian and Armenian languages)

V.V. Madoyan, S.Z. Sheyranyan


Madoyan Vagharshak V.,

Doctor of Philological sciences, professor, Head of the project of “Influence of ideology on a standard of speech” at Russian-Armenian (slavic) university,

Yerevan, Republic of Armenia



Sheyranyan Sergey Z.,

PhD, research assistant of the project of “Influence of ideology on a standard of speech” at Russian-Armenian (slavic) university, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia



The standard of speech is defined by its grammatical correctness. However any norm supposes development connected not only with change of the literary use. Now in Russian and Armenian languages, as well as in all languages of the former USSR, there are active processes of increase of expressiveness of speech, in this connection certain word-formation means and receptions are being developed, loans are entered in morphology of considered languages, special activity is received by expressive means of syntax. Development in official and gutter press goes unequally, however, in general it is possible to ascertain increase of pithiness of the text.

Keywords: grammar, a standard of speech, pithiness increase, activity of expressive means, Armenian, Russian.



1.           ABBYY Lingvo x5.

2.           Vasil'eva, A.N. Osnovy kul'tury rechi. Moscow, 1990, pp. 30–45.

3.           Korchagina, T.I. O tendentsiyakh razvitiya leksiki sovremennogo yaponskogo yazyka. In: Yazyk i kul'tura: novoe v yaponskoy filologii. Moscow, 1987, pp. 60–67.

4.           Ozhegov, S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Slovar' russkogo yazyka. Moscow, 2005.

5.           Russkaya grammatika. Moscow, 1990, pp. 35–267.

6.           Russkiy yazyk i sovetskoe obshchestvo. Morfologiya i sintaksis sovre-mennogo russkogo literaturnogo yazyka. Moscоw, 1968, pp. 24–205.

7.           Skvortsov, L.V. Osnovy kul'tury rechi. Moscow, 1984, p. 320.

8.           Sotsial'naya psikhologiya. Moscow, 1975, p. 320.

9.           Ulukhanov, I.S. Edinitsy slovoobrazovatel'noy sistemy russkogo yazyka i ikh leksicheskaya realizatsiya. Moscow, 1996, p. 221.



10. Newspapers “Arguments and facts” for 2006–2007; “Komsomolskaya Pravda” for 2007–2008; “Vedomosti” [URL:] of 08.02.2016; “Իրատես” (“Irates”) from 25–28.11.2016.

11. Magazines “Molotok” and “Molodoy” for 2000.

12. Radio and television broadcasts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.