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Covert meanings in speech communication

V.I. Shlyakhov


Shlyakhov Vladimir I.,

Dr. Sci. in Pedagogy

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University ), Moscow



Cognitive studies plentiful in cognitive-commu­nicative linguistics revealed that significant por­tions of information in speech communication are conveyed implicitly. Alongside with studying the problem of speech implicitness, linguists are trying to describe how it becomes possible for communicants to understand each other when what is said can differ from what is implied. Deep structures in thinking and language com­mon for those involved in communication are responsible for establishing correct understand­ing in such cases. Psycosemantic structures in language and cognition are dealt with in the present article.

Keywords: interdependence of language and thinking, rules of understanding texts, deep structures, metameaning, metaobserver, frames and scenarios.




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