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The classic tradition’s development and scientific innovations

E.V. Sergeeva


Sergeeva Elena V.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, Professor

Department of the Russian Language at Faculty of Philology,

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg



Review of the 20th issue of Interuniversity scientific articles’ Collection “Conventionality and creativity in the text”.

Keywords: review, discourse analysis, scientific text, document linguistics, advertising text.




1. Shtayn, K.E. Kul'turnoe dostoyanie Rossii: permskaya nauchnaya shkola funktsional'noy stilistiki. In: Stereotipnost' i tvorchestvo v tekste. Coll. of scientific papers. Iss. 7. Prof. M.P. Kotyurova (Ed.). Perm', 2004, pp. 6–57.

2. Kotyurova, M.P. Ot glavnogo redaktora. In: Stereotipnost' i tvorchestvo v tekste. Coll. of scientific papers. Iss. 20. Prof. M.P. Kotyurova (Ed.). Perm', 2016, pp. 4–11.

3. Kushnina L.V. Kul'turnaya paradigma perevoda. In: Stereotipnost' i tvorchestvo v tekste. Coll. of scientific