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Pelevin vs Chekhov: Invisible communications through the decade

Sh. Zhang


Zhang Shaoping,

graduate student of Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article is an attempt to rethink the works of one of the famous Russian writers of our time, V. Pelevin, in the context of the traditions laid down by A.P. Chekhov in the late XIX – early XX century in Russian literature, and had an impact on its further development. Using the typological comparison, the author of the article considers it possible to turn his attention to some similar aspects of the writings of writers of two different eras, which he defines as a “roll call” of centuries. First of all, we are talking about the inherent in both writers turning to the analysis of the inner world of the “average” person of his time, the satirical depiction of the meager spiritual life of ordinary people, while maintaining faith in the best manifestations of the human person, the ironic style of the narrative.

Keywords: V. Pelevin, «S.N.U.F.F.», «Generation «P», modern literature, postmodernism, А.P. Chekhov.



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