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Questions of the psychology of creativity in “Walking with Pushkin” by A. Sinyavsky

I.B. Nichiporov


Nichiporov Ilya B.,

Dr. Sci. in Philology, professor of the history of modern Russian literature and contemporary literary process of the Philological Faculty

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article presents an analysis of essays A. Sinyavskogo “Walking with Pushkin” in terms of the psychology of the creative process issues discussed here. The main attention is given to the author's reflections about the open style of the poet Pushkin special as an individual with his biography. It is a question of judgment and Sinyavsky on the “anecdotal”, a parody of Pushkin's strategy of perception of self, of reality, of history and modernity, as well as the literary tradition. The originality of the author's identity in a literary text reveals Sinyavsky in the interpretation of a number of lyrical works of the poet, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the poem “The Bronze Horseman” and others. The paper shows how the essay Sinyavsky actively using elements of postmodern discourse, beyond the scope of post-modern aesthetics and comes into conflict with her.

Keywords: Pushkin, Sinyavsky, the image of the author, parody, anecdote, postmodernism.




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