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M. Gorky and the traditions of D. Leopardi

L.A. Spiridonova


Spiridonova Lidiya A.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, Professor,

Head Department of World literature RAS

The Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



With the legacy of the Italian thinker of ХIХ c. and “singer of the world tribulation” Gorky introduced in April, 1889 old revolutionary A.I. Orlov, translator of the works of D. Leopardi. The philosophy of pessimism was close to a beginning poet-taught in verse, which sounded notes of despair and tragedy. Inherent to the Italian poet a sense of dissonance between a beautiful dream and a depressing routine of life, a romantic glorification of the rebellious personality, ruidosa feat, but lost in a duel with destiny, influenced the development of the talent of the young Gorky. Images of Leopardi he carried through his entire life, often referring to it in articles and essays. Patriotic poems of the Italian classic has contributed to the heroic themes of heroism in the early works of Gorky. However, a comprehensive sense of “world grief” he contrasted the call to fight against evil.

Keywords: Gorky, Leopardi, pessimism, tragedy, life, creativity.



1. Memories A. Kalyuzhny. Dawn of the East, 1928, no. 73, March 29.

2. Gorky, M. Complete works. Letters. Moscow: Nauka, 1997—2016.

3. Gorky, M. Complete works. Artwork. Moscow: Nauka, 1968.

4. M. Gorky collected works in 30 vols. Moscow: GEHL,1953.

5. Gruzdev, I. Gorky and his time. Vol. 1. 3rd ed. Moscow, 1962.

6. Leopardi Giakomo. Canti. Rizzoli. 1881.

7. M. Gorky in the era of the revolution of 1905—1907. Materials, memories, research. Publ. of USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1957.

8. “Talk D. Leopardi” in the translation of Orlov. In: The Pantheon of literature. St. Petersburg, 1888.