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A.T. Bolotov in Königsberg. Optics of self-knowledge

Pautkin Alexey A


Pautkin Alexey A.,

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor,

Faculty of Philology. Department of History of Russian literature.

Lomonosov Moscow State University



This article reveals parts of A.T. Bolotov autobiographical notes dedicated to his stay in Königsberg during the Seven Year’ War. Military service in the old University town helped the formation of various scientific and artistic interests of the young nobleman and joined him to the European culture. Description of the Prussian city proposed by Bolotov is correlated with trends of the landscape painting of the  middle XVIII century. In text edited by author at the beginning of the 90s there are features of sentimental prose.

Keywords: Königsberg., A.T. Bolotov, autobiographical notes, Veduta, optics, Seven Years’ War, sentimentalism.




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