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Theatricality as a way of representation of history in the novel B. Okudzhava's “Rendezvous with Bonaparte”

E.N. Matiushkina


Matiushkina Ekaterina N.,

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor,

Department of Russian language and literature

St. Petersburg State University of Economics



In the article, theatricality is considered as one of the leading principles of narrative prose B. Okudzhava, as the author's representation of historical reality, based on the involvement of the «private» person events. Thanks to the discovery in the novel, the «musical» and «poetic» theatricality, it becomes possible to description of the special lyrical attitude of the heroes of the writer.

Key words: B. Okudzhava, historical novel, the theatricality, the liability, «private» person.




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