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Unrealized novel and fragmentary forms in M.O. Gershenzon’s works. The Aphorisms “Sun over the mist” (1922)

N.N. Smirnova


Smirnova Natalia N.,

Ph.D., Senior Research Scholar

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Theory of literature



It was time for the new origin of fragmentary thought in the end of 19 — early 20th centuries. After A. Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche and L. Shestov, M. Gershenzon cultivates specific kind of reflection on fragmentariness of worldview and creation. In his collection of aphorisms “Sun over the mist” we can trace unrealized plans of M. Gershenzon as a writer and scholar. The unrealized plans took their shape in the very fragmentary thought that was significant phenomenon in cultural consciousness of 20th century.

Keywords: Russian literature, theory of literature, fragmentary thought in literature and culture of 19 – early 20th centuries, unrealized works.




1. Gershenzon M.O. Selected works. Vols. 1–4. Moskva – Ierusalim: Gesharim, 2000.

2. Shopengaujer, A. Coll. works in 6 vols. Vol. 1. Moscow: TERRA – Book club; Respublika, 1999.

3. Shestov, Lev. Apofeoz bespochvennosti: Opyt adogmaticheskogo myshlenija. Leningrad, 1991.

4. NIOR RGB. Fond 746 (Fond of M.O. Gershenzon).

5. Litvin, E.Ju. Chistota pravdy. M.O. Gershenzon. 1917—1925. Opyt literaturno-publicisticheskoj hroniki. In: Gershenzon, M.O. Kljuch very. Gol'fstrem. Mudrost' Pushkina. Moscow: Agraf, 2001.