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Connectivistica: a guide to the use of a language

N.V. Khalina, E.V. Valiulina, N.N. Pivkina, T.S. Khrebtova


Khalina Nataliya V.,

Doctor sciences in Philology, Professor

Faculty of Mass Communications, Philology and Political Science

The Department of Russian as Foreign and East Linguistics

Altai State University



Valiulina Ekaterina V.,

Ph. D. (Philology), Associate Professor

Faculty of Mass Communications, Philology and Political Science

Public Relations Department

Altai State University



Pivkina Nadezhda N.,

Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor

The Department of Foreign Languages

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University



Khrebtova Tatiyana S.,

Ph.D. (Philology), Senior Lecture

the Department of Foreign Languages of Natural Faculties 

Altai State University



Considered is a new linguistic pattern of connectivity, which studies the in terconnected social, semantic and information media from the point of view semantic production and scaling of the communication medium. The methodological part is presented by connectivist technologies, depending on what boundaries of socium and social subject in the space of the information flows it objectifies.

Keywords: ontological Design, Connectionism, cognitive technology, sociology of language.




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