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Language and Culture: Dynamics of the interrealation

I.V. Vashunina, M.E. Ryabova


Ryabova Marina E.,

Doctor of Philosophical sciences, full professor

Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation

Russian New University, Moscow

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice 

Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN



Vashunina Irina V.,

Doctor of Philological sciences,

Professor of the Department of German Language

Russian Foreign Trade Academy;

Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice 

Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN



The article is devoted to the relationship between language and culture considered as a dialectical relation of part and whole. The relationship of language socio-cultural knowledge with a subject of thinking and the refraction of the real world in the form of subject-based categories, views, images is represented in symbols of mass culture. The intensification of communications problematizes key areas of human activity. The ever-changing relationship between language and culture are imprinted in human consciousness and accumulate in various forms of culture. At all stages of evolution, culture appears as a reservoir of objective sense, filtered through the personal, subjective. The main means of meaning transmission is language. Cultural concepts create semantic lacunas of ambiguity, so-called conflict, confrontation thus provoking statements about themselves. The language is mobile; its changes can be seen regularly building new semantic relations, associative relations, symbolic parallels. It is concluded that extrapolation of symbols from the past to the future contains criticism of current experience. It is assumed that there is some unshared controversial knowledge, which is realized in the activities, in culture, in relationships, and gaining social status. A mediator in this pick up is the language which transforms seen images into material signs with the symbolic function of signs of the past.

Keywords: dynamics of language and culture, intensification of communication, symbol of mass culture, problematization of reality.




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