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Some structural-semantic peculiarities of the English-language financial management terms

N.N. Gorbunova, A.Yu. Bagiyan, B.B. Dokuto, A.V. Razduev


Gorbunova Natal’ya N.,

PhD in Philology, Associate professor of

the English for Special Purposes Chair

Pyatigorsk State University


Bagiyan Alexander Y.,

PhD in Philology, Senior instructor of the Theoretical Linguistics and Practice of the Intercultural Communication Chair

Pyatigorsk State University


Dokuto Bozhena B.,

PhD in Philology, Associate professor,

Head of the Theory and Practice of Translation Chair

Novorossiysk branch of Pyatigorsk State University


Razduev Aleksey V.,

PhD in Philology, Senior scientific worker of the Network Scientific

and Educational Center of Cognitive Research

at G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University;

Associate professor of the West-European Languages and Cultures Chair at Pyatigorsk State University



The article reveals some structural, word-formative and semantic peculiarities of terminological units of the financial management sphere. The object of the research comprises modern English-language scientific and technical texts in the sphere of financial management as a source of terminological units of this sphere. The subject of the research consists in the specific structural and semantic characteristics of the English-language financial management terms. The thesis is substantiated that the analyzed corpus of terms is a complex heterogeneous lexical subsystem designed to fully represent all the system of notions of the sphere in question. A complex method of the research is used that comprises the contextual analysis, component analysis of morphological and syntactic structure of terms, method of reconstruction of word-formative models, quantitative processing of data. As a result of the analysis, the authors come to the conclusion that the predominating type of word-formation in the sphere of financial management is syntactic one, as well as accentuate the fact that a full overcoming of heterogeneity of the terminological system in question is unreachable due to the initial heterogeneity of the sphere of financial management.

Keywords: structure, semantics, terminological unit, terminology, syntactic term-formation, terminological system, word-formative model, financial management.




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