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Urban space in the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Emile Verhaeren

D.P. Krylova


Krylova Daria P.,

PG student of Department of the Contemporary Russian Literature and the Modern Literature Process,

Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



In this article the author carries out a comparative analysis of the image of the city in V. Mayakovsky’s and E. Verhaeren’s poetry. It was found out that there are some common motifs in the Belgian symbolist’s and the Russian futurist’s poetical works such as creating the myth of the hell city, the anthropomorphic representing of urban space etc. Therefore a certain continuity between the lyrics of Verhaeren as one of the first urban poets and Mayakovsky’s earlier poems becomes apparent.

Keywords: anti-aestheticism, anthropomorphism, city space, urban poetry, futurism.



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