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Society of Russian literature: History and Modernity

N.V. Kovtun


Kovtun Natalia V.,

Doctor science in Philology, Professor,

Department of World Literature and teaching methods

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University n.a. V.P. Astafiev



This article analyzes the creation and development of Russian non-governmental organizations engaged in improving literacy and literary education of the people. We will pay a special attention to the history of the new Society of Russian literature, which was headed by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, the main tasks and activities of the organization will be described. The paper shows, how the role of literature and books was changing in the cultural context of the XX—XXI centuries, the dynamics of symbolic and social status of its creators, functions of reading and creating — the basic practices of literary works. The article clarifies some fundamental myths, that lie in the basis of national culture (literature-, bibliophilic myth), without the knowledge of which it is impossible to understand the specifics of the current situation, which dramatically influent on the status of literary education, the humanities in general. It is emphasized that the creation of the Society of Russian literature is not just the desire to enhance the cultural prestige of the country, to recall the traditions of orthodox foundations of our culture, but awareness of the intellectuals, of the clergy, of the power, that it’s impossible to preserve the pome without the integrity fastening of its language and literature.

Keywords: Society of Russian literature, Russian language, literature, literature-centrism.




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