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From the history of Voronezh philological school

T.A. Nikonova


Nikonova Tamara A.,

Doctor of Philology, professor,

head of the department of Russian literature (XX—XXI cc.),

Theory of literature and folklore

Voronezh State University



The article addresses the background of the publication of collected research papers devoted to the work of Andrey Platonov (1899—1951). The collection, published in 1970 by Voronezh State University Publishers, came to be the first not only in Russia but beyond as well. Its appearance was made possible due to the Voronezh scientific philological school; the latter laid the foundation for a systemic study of the literary heritage of one of the most eminent writers of the XXth century.  

Keywords: Andrey Platonov, scientific school, language and literature, university, collection of scientific works.




1. Tvorchestvo A. Platonova: Stat'i i soobshcheniya. Voronezh: Publ. House Voronezh. un-ta, 1970. A.M. Abramov, P.A. Borozdina, O.G. Lasunskiy & V.P. Skobelev (Eds.), 248 p.

2. Shubin, L.A. Andrey Platonov. Voprosy literatury, 1967, no. 6.

3. Platonov Andrey. Povesti i rasskazy. Voronezh: Tsentral'no-Chernozemnoe Book Publ. House, 1969, 488 p.

4. Yaroshevskiy, M.G. Logika razvitiya nauki i nauchnaya shkola. In: Shkoly v nauke. S.R. Mikulinskiy, M.G. Yaroshevskiy, G. Kreber, G. Shteyner (Eds.). Moscow, 1977, p. 29.

5. Lasunskiy, O.G. Kak eto bylo (Ob odnoy nekrasivoy istorii). Platonov-Grad. Literaturnoe prilozhenie k gazete “Voronezhskiy kur'er”, 1999, 1 sept., pp. 9–10.

6. Fomenko, L.P. Tvorchestvo A.P. Platonova (1899—1951). Moscow, 1969.

7.Wiktoria i René Śliwowscy. Andrzej Płatonow. Warszava, 1983.

8. Dymshits A. Odna iz graney bol'shogo talanta. Literaturnaya Rossiya, 1967, no. 49, 1 december.

9. “Platonovskiy vestnik”. Informatsionno-bibliograficheskiy byulleten' (Voronezh), 2009, no. 4, pp. 10–22.