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An Ethnographical Essay by Fan Fanych in The Gulag Archipelago by A. Solzhenitsyn as a Representation of an Imagined Community

T.Yu. Kuchinko


Kuchinko Tatiana Yu.,

Postgraduate student of the Department of the History of Modern Russian Literature and Contemporary Literature Process,

Faculty of Philology.

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article reveals the similarity between Solzhenitsyn’s understanding of the community of the Gulag prisoners as a specific nation and at the same time supranational commonality and the national imagined communities in the Benedict Anderson’s interpretation. It is shown that the representation of the Gulag prisoners as a specific nation is possible only due to mode of thinking beyond the traditional national categories what (contrary to a popular belief) was not alien to Solzhenitsyn, because he valued both national specificity and supranational commonalities.

Keywords: Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, nation, cosmopolitanism, Benedict Anderson, imagined communities.


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