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The lexical peculiarity of V.A. Petsukh’s style

O.V. Tishchenko


Tishchenko Olga V.,

Teacher of Russian language Department

Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V.J. Kikot



The subject of this article are the vehicle of language B.A. Petsukh. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the vocabulary of Petsukh’s style on the material of seven books: «Village diaries», «Guesses», «Life of remarkable people», «Art of existence», «Left side», «Plagiarism», «Russian theme». A characteristic feature of the style style Petsukh are four types of lexical resources: a legacy of words, lexemes limited stylistic, authorial neologisms, idioms. In his works the potential of passive vocabulary (archaisms, names of vanished phenomena, dialecticisms, nonce words).

Key words: idiostyle; the idiolect; the vehicle of language; the archaisms; the names of vanished phenomena; colloquial words; nonce words; idioms.




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