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The travel to “the Distant Skies” of world culture: Nikolay Gumilev and tradition

A.V. Filatov


Filatov Anton V.,

Master's student of the Faculty of Philology at

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The review presents Elena Kulikova’s book «“The distant skies” of Nikolay Gumilev: Poetry. Prose. Translations» (Novosibirsk, 2015) and it is considered themes of travels and exotic countries which are central for the poet as well as translations of French poets translated by Gumilev.

Keywords: N. Gumilev, mythologem, motif, translation, pantun, painting.



1. Gumilev, N.S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 10 t. Moskva: Voskresen'e, 2006.

2. Chudovskiy, V.A. Literaturnaya zhizn'. Sobraniya I doklady. Russkaya khudozhestvennaya letopis', 1911, no 9, s. 142–143.