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Diversity of words (new book on the language of N.S. Leskov)

O.V. Nikitin


Nikitin Oleg V.,

Doctor sciebces in Phikikogy, Habil. Professor

Moscow State Regional University



The review analyzes a new book on N.S. Leskov, which studied significant for the Russian mentality concepts and features of his idiolect. Attention is drawn to the interest of the researcher to stylistic, cognitive and pragmatic description of N.S. Leskov’s fiction. Figurative elements of the text in the epistolary heritage of the writer are also commented. The work proposes the prospects of development of the topic.

Keywords: the idiolect of the writer, word and image, concept, vocabulary, mental space, style.



  1. Vinogradov, V.V. Problema avtorstva i teorija stilej. Moskva, 1961.
  2. Marcadé, J.-Cl. Tvorchestvo N.S. Leskova. Romany i khroniki. Sankt Petersbrg, 2006 (Sovremennaya zapadnaya rusistika, t. 60).
  3. Nikitin, O.V. [Rev.] Grimstad, Knut Andreas. Styling Russia: Multiculture in the Prose of Nikolai Leskov. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2007, 256 p. (Slavica Bergensia 7). Scando-Slavica, 2015. Vol. 61, issue 2, pp. 293–296.
  4. Faresov, A.I. Protiv techenij. N.S. Leskov. Ego zhizn’, sоchinenija, polemika i vospominanija o nyom. Sankt Petersburg, 1904.
  5. Khrolenko, A.T. Osnovy sovremennoj filologii: Ucheb. posobije. Мoskva, 2013.

6. Grimstad, K.A. Styling Russia: Multiculture in the Prose of Nikolai Leskov. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2007 (Slavica Bergensia 7).

7. Nikitin, O.V. Leskov’s Notes of the Unknown (Zametki neizvestnogo). The Aesthetic Role of the Language Stylization in Reconstructing the Characters and Circumstances of the Traditional Russian Culture of the 18th–19th Centuries. Studia Slavica Hungariensia. T. 48. No 4. Budapest, 2003. Pp. 413–441.