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Two editions of the novel “Lapti” written by Petr Zamoyski

N.M. Malygina, N.A. Pchelkina


Malygina Nina M.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, professor of Russian literature department,

Moscow City Pedagogical University


Pchelkina Natalia A.,

Сompetitor of a scientific degree Ph.D.

of Russian literature department at the Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher of the Russian language and literature



Two editions of the novel written by Petr Zamoyski and dedicated to the image of the village in 1920—1930’s are compared. The ways of overwriting of the first edition of the text are explored and the reasons of the changes made by the author are discovered. The degree of reliability of the novel description of collectivization and expropriation of property in the village is determined. According creative method Zamoyski's poems for aesthetic principles of realism are еxamined.

Keywords: village literature, collectivization, expropriation of property, the poor, the worker, the collective farm, aesthetic principles of realism.



  1. Volkov, A. Stil' i metod P. Zamoyskogo. Zemlya sovetskaya, 1932, no. 5, s. 114–122.
  2. Zamoyskiy, P. Lapti. Chast' pervaya. Roman-gazeta, 1929, no. 4, s. 3–55.
  3. Zamoyskiy, Petr. Dnevnik pisatelya. Kak ya rabotayu. Zemlya Sovetskaya, 1930. Kn. 2. Stb. 193.
  4. Zamoyskiy, P. Lapti. Sobranie sochineniy v 4 tt. T. 1 [Prilozhenie k zhurnalu “Molodoy kolkhoznik”]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya. 1959.
  5. Zamoyskiy, P. Rasskaz o sebe. Zemlya rodnaya, 1931. Kn. 12. Stb. 77.
  6. Zamoyskiy, P. Avtobiografiya. Gosudarstvennyy literaturnyy muzey. F. 343, op. 1, d. 393.
  7. PAPO, f. 268, op. 1, ed. khr. 65. L. 214.
  8. Rozental', I.S. Golosa istorii. Muzeynye materialy kak istochnik poznaniya proshlogo. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov tsentral'nogo muzeya revolyutsii SSSR “Velikiy perelom glazami sovremennikov kollektivizatsii“, vypusk 22, kn. 1. Moskva, 1990.
  9. Strakhov N. Petr Zamoyskiy. Zhizn'. Vremya. Knigi. Moskva: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1976, 132 s.
  10. Zamoyskiy, P. Predislovie-avtobiografiya k romanu “Lapti”. Zamoyskiy, P. Sobranie sochineniy v 4 tt. T. 1 [Prilozhenie k zhurnalu “Molodoy kolkhoznik”]. Moskva: Molodaya gvardiya, 1959.
  11. Zamoyskiy, P. Lapti. Kniga vtoraya, chast' pervaya, vtoraya. Roman-gazeta, 1930, no. 10 (64), s. 3.
  1. Zamoyskiy, P. Lapti. Kniga vtoraya, chast' tret'ya. Roman-gazeta, 1930, no. 22, s. 11–13.