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Psychoanalysis, experiment or mistake: story “Тhe Life and Adventures of shed Number XII” by V. Pelevin

O.V. Bogdanova


Bogdanova Olga V.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, Professor,

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Philological Studies

St. Petersburg State University


The article analyzes the story «Тhe Life and Adventures of the shed Number XII» by V.O. Pelevin in the context of early writer’s novels. In it establish characteristic constants of the poetic world of the artist and focus attention on the perception and realization of the theme of childhood. The article shows that the Pelevin’s story looks extraordinary, for example, on the background of the early short story «The Ontology of childhood» and attempts to understand what was the reason of the creation uncharacteristic text — trying to access elements of psychoanalysis or to create experiment, or may be mistake.

Keywords: Contemporary Russian literature, V.O. Pelevin, the story, the theme of childhood, psychoanalysis, experiment.



1.  Pelevin V. Relics. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. Moskva: Eksmo, 2005.

2.  Bol'shoy tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka / pod red. S.A. Kuznetsova. St-Petersburg: Norint, 1998.