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Mortal story-motivic complex in the prose of A. Platonov in the Period of Second Half of 1920-s — Late 1930-s in eschatological light

E.N. Proskurina



Proskurina Elena N.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, Leading Researcher of the Literary Studies Section at the Institute of Philology

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk



The author of the article shows heterogeneity of the mortal space where two mutually intersecting worlds are distinguished: the natural world and the manmade one. In the natural world death marks its fallen state of being, but together with this it fits in the earth-bound picture of the world, whereas an event of death in the manmade world falls out of the natural rhythm, getting violent characteristics. This world looks as if it is crucified between life and death.

Keywords: prose of A. Platonov, eschatological picture of the world, thesaurus of death.




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