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Do we know Gorky? (To the 80 anniversary from the date of death)

L.A. Spiridonova


Spiridonova Lidiya A.,

Doctor Sci. in Philology, Professor,

Head Department of World literature RAS

The Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



In ХХI century the study of the life and work of Maxim Gorky are starting anew. A large number published in the years of “perestroika” of archival materials, previously unavailable to researchers, has allowed to reconsider the traditional view of the writer and its role in social and literary life of Russia. The article destroyed some myths about the bitter, which is stably existed in the Soviet sciences and has survived to this day: was an Orthodox Marxist writer, a member of the Bolshevik party, a close friend of Lenin and Stalin, “osnovopolojnik socialist realism”? At the end of the article the author destroyed some myths of the writer's death.

Keywords: Gorky, Lenin, Stalin, Marxism, the archive, the myth, the mystery of death.



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