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Sphere of term: definitions, conceptions (Uzbekistan)

S.N. Abdullayeva


Abdullayeva Shоhida N.,

Senior scientific Researcher

Uzbek State University of World Languages,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent



This article deals with the problem of term functioning and definition of the sphere of term in a modern linguistics; similarities and differences of the term and the definition of the sphere of term has been analysed; different scientific positions of the sphere of term definition and comprehension has been determined and defined: a) as a synonym of the term in a system of term; b) as a conseptual expance; c) as a hybrid sphere; d) as a spheres of terms usage with softer (open) borders, in a difference with a term system, where borders are clearly determined and limited.

Keywords: term, sphere of term, term system, notion, definition ambiguity, outlined (clear / limited) borders, free (open) borders, mutual permeability.




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