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Idiostylistic aspects of key structures in German poetry (A study of H. Heine’s lyric poems)

L.R. Bashkova, N.N. Tankov


Bashkova Lily R.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

of the Department “Foreign Languages”

Penza State Agricultural Academy


Tankov Nikolai N.,

Candidat of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department

of Germanic and Romance Languages

Penza State University, Belinsky Institute for Teacher Education



The article analyzes how key structures function in German poems. It substantiates the idea that key structures are used universally in poetic texts and analyzes idiostylistic features of key structures in German lyric poems written by H. Heine. The conclusion summarizes the research findings and stresses that the functioning of key structures in German, Russian and French poems follows the same laws. These laws are based on the specific pattern of sense formation. The key structure follows the pattern and, as a result, turns out to have different meanings at the beginning and at the end of the text.

Keywords: poetic text, German poetry, key structure, idiostylistic features, pattern of sense formation, poetic universals, focus related to semantics and composition, stanza, lexical content, semantic polysemy.




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