Shafarenko Nina D.,
Post-graduate student,
Ural Federeral University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Institute of Humanities and Arts,
Department «Faculty of Philology»,
Sub-faculty of Russian literature XX and XXI centuries
For poetry Yuri Levitansky (1922—1996) crucial role of the visual factor. The visual world perception and memory are reflected in the visual basis. The article is devoted to four books by Levitansky: «Cinematograf» (1970), «Dyen Takoy-to» (1976), «Pisma Katerine, ili Progulka s Faustom» (1981), «Byelye stikhi» (1991).
Keywords: visuality, word end representation, colour, visual memory, visual image, cadre, visual lexis, sight, eyes, expanse.
1. Dmitrieva N.A. Izobrazhenie i slovo. — M.,1962.
2. Levitanskij Ju.D. Izbrannoe. — M., 1982.
3. Levitanskij Ju. Cherno-beloe kino. — M., 2005.