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A speech portrait of communicants in a modern gaming blog

A.A. Nemyka, M.V. Kitaeva, E.Y. Kulikova
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`24+004

Nemyka Anna A.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Kuban State University


Kitaeva Mayya V.,

Senior Teacher of Additional Education of the

Russian Language and Linguoculturology Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Kulikova Ekaterina Yu.,

Candidate of Pedagogy,

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language and

Linguoculturology Departments

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to the problems of analyzing the speech characteristics inherent in communicants in modern Internet discourse, which allows the authors to formulate a set of basic features of the speech portrait of bloggers in the communicative space of a game chat. As a result of the study of the speech porter of the author of a gaming Internet blog, the following ways of its representation are highlighted: the desire to identify oneself as a member of the gaming community; a strategy of rapprochement with the readership; a strategy of demonstrating one’s own superiority; the desire to improve the quality of texts and, as a result, to increase the number of the audience. The study of strategies for presenting the speech portrait of communicants in Internet discourse not only contributes to the general theory of discourse, but also allows us to identify the main trends in the development of modern language and culture, established during the analysis of various Internet blogs.

Keywords: Internet communication, Internet discourse, speech portrait, blogosphere, game chat



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