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“...She constantly created mirages for herself…”: Algorithms for describing the literary heritage of Evgenia Tur through archival sources

E.N. Penskaya
80,00 ₽
UDC 82-94

Penskaya Elena N.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

National Research University “Higher School of Economics”;

Head of the Group of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


Evgenia Tur, nee E.V. Sukhovo-Kobylina (1815–1892), countess E.V. Salias in marriage, sister of the playwright A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, mother of historical novelist Evgeny Salias, translator, journalist, fiction writer, was at the center of Russian cultural and political life for almost thirty years. The hostess of the literary salon, the publisher of the magazine “Russian Speech”, her women’s writing had a strong influence on the formation of a psychological novel and a certain type of relationship in the literary, journalistic, intellectual environment of the second half of the XIX century. The dynamics of the entire role complex in her literary and social activities and genres set in fiction, ego documents and journalism is examined in the paper. Approaches to the study of her image mythologization and some issues of cultural distortions are also discussed.

Keywords: Evgenia Tur, reception in Russia of 19th–20th сenturies, cult, legend, discussion, novel, theater 

The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, project No. 22-68-00066).



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