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The Russian language in the Yakut oral speech (using the example of the television program “Sehen Shire” of the national broadcasting company “Sakha”)

I.V. Sobakina
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`24

Sobakina IrinaV.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Stylistics of the Yakut language and

Russian-Yakut Translation Department

Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov


At present, the oral form of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, which is characterised by the active penetration of units from the Russian language into everyday speech, acquiring a large-scale character, attracts the close attention of researchers. This is due to the bilingual space, as well as the narrow sphere of functioning of national languages. In the conditions of natural bilingualism, a large number of units from the Russian language penetrate into the Yakut language. In the proposed work these units are considered as borrowings (units with varying degrees of adaptation in the Yakut language) and inclusions (units used instead of words existing in the Yakut language). The research material is the episodes of the TV show in the Yakut language “Sehen Sire” for 2022 on the NVK “Sakha”, the most popular local channel in the Republic. Borrowings are divided into groups of transcribed and transliterated words. Mechanically transferred into the Yakut language and having equivalents in the Yakut language, inclusions are classified by parts of speech (nouns, adverbs, adjectives with a Yakut affix, verbs with verbal affixes, particles, introductory words, conjunctions). Word combinations divided into separate groups without changing their structure (names of enterprises, organizations, societies, etc., names of positions, titles, localities, events). And Russian inclusions with the phrase “nuuchchalyy ettekhhe, nuuchchalyy” (in Russian), quotes, aphorisms and set expressions are highlighted separately. As the analysis showed, the penetration of the Russian language into Yakut oral speech occurs at various levels of the language.

Keywords: foreign inclusions, borrowings, the Yakut language, the Russian language, bilingualism, oral speech




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